[General Questions]

 In this section you will read commonly asked questions and their answers: 

1. What does my camper generally need to bring to Camp?
2. What is the meaning of the different group divisions?
3. Do you have a nurse?
4. What happens if my child visits the camp nurse?
5. How does Camp Manitoqua approach behavior management?
6. Are there specific guidelines my child needs to know before coming to camp?
7. What happens in the case of severe weather?
8. What happens on a rainy day? 
9. Who will be my child’s camp staff?
10. What should I know about the Camp Store?
11. What should I know about the Pickle Shack? 
12. What is free time? 
13. How old does my child have to be for the Adventure Zone? 
14. Do you offer before and after camp care for Day Camp?
15. Why should I send my child to Camp Manitoqua?
16. What is Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center?
17. Where can I find the program letters on the website?
18. Do you have a lost and found?
19. What is the Aquatic Center?
20. Does Camp Manitoqua provide lunch?

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1. What does my camper generally need to bring to Camp?

Bible, one-piece swimsuit, towel, mesh bag for hang drying, gym shoes, extra clothes, sunscreen, bug repellent, water bottle, and optional spending money*.

*Program-specific packing lists will be sent out three weeks before your camper comes to Camp. Please be sure to review that list to make sure your camper is adequately prepared for Camp.

2. What is the meaning of the different group divisions?

When your camper is placed in Day Camp they will be assigned to a letter or multiple letters. The table below indicates the age breakdown: 

 Shelter  Grade
 A/AA/AAA 1st & 2nd 
 B/BB/BBB/BBBB 3rd & 4th 
 C/CC/CCC 5th & 6th 
 D 7th & 8th 

Because some age groups have multiple shelters, it is important for parents to see the age group breakdown.  Friend requests must be of the same age group and friends must request each other to be placed together.  Groups of 4 can be requested; no larger. Shelter assignments for each camper are emailed out on the Friday prior to camp beginning with the Newsletter.

 3. Do you have a nurse?

A registered nurse and student nurse are on call at all times to respond to camper needs. Each day camp group has camp staff certified in first aid as well. Nursing staff stores and distributes all medications. Parents/caregivers are asked to bring any specific medications needed for their camper in a Ziploc bag with appropriate labeling. Nursing staff will follow the specific guidelines listed for prescriptions. 

4. What happens if my child visits the camp nurse?

Campers who require care beyond basic first aid will be cared for by the nurses. Examples of these needs include headaches, some cases of homesickness, nausea, etc. When your child visits the nurse, a nurse’s note will be sent home. Phone calls will be made in response to the following situations: permission to administer medication other than that given by parents/caregivers, head-related injuries, fever or stomach illness, severe cases of homesickness, and emergencies. There may be other situations that warrant a phone call home.

*Please note: if your camper goes home due to sickness or misses a day of camp, a refund will not be given. 

 5. How does Camp Manitoqua approach behavior management?

Behavior management is used when a camper’s behavior is outside the expected guidelines. Our behavior management plan includes responses at the following levels:

  • Level 1: When the behavior is outside of guidelines, staff will redirect camper to an acceptable choice.

  • Level 2: When behavior becomes disruptive or disrespectful, staff will give a verbal warning and/or remove camper from the situation or environment for a brief timeout.

  • Level 3: When behavior continues after a level 2 response, area directors establish a written behavioral contract with the camper. Copies of the contract are sent home.

    Contracts include a 3 step consequence plan if the behavior is repeated:
  • Step 1 - contract
  • Step 2 - phone call home
  • Step 3 - camper is sent home for the day (or if overnight camp, sent home for the remainder of the week)*

    Aggressive behavior is handled immediately by the Program Coordinator and constitutes an automatic behavior contract and phone call home.

  • Level 4: Behavior after Step 3 may result in dismissal from the camp week or the entirety of summer program(s).

    Positive reinforcement is thread through all programs and levels of response to promote positive behaviors.

*Any camper sent home will not receive a refund.

6. Are there specific guidelines my child needs to know before coming to camp?

The following guidelines are important for your child to know before coming to camp:

  • At all times, campers are expected to respect others and respect camp.
  • No electronic or cellular devices are allowed at camp including cell phones, smart watches, tablets, or computers.
  • Drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, and offensive language are prohibited.
  • Modest and appropriate clothing must be worn while camp is in session.
  • Clothing that reveals undergarments, short shorts (shorts must be at least fingertip length), tank tops with straps less than 2 fingers width, or clothes that reference drugs, alcohol, violence, and inappropriate innuendos are not allowed at camp.
  • Athletic shoes with covered toes must be worn at all times. The only exception is swimming.
  • Appropriate swimwear includes one-piece bathing suits and trunks.

7. What happens in the case of severe weather?

In the case of severe weather, our staff is trained to calmly move campers to designated shelter areas. Campers will remain safely in these areas until an “all clear” has been issued. Our office regularly monitors weather and is equipped with a weather radio.

8. What happens on a rainy day? 

During rainy days, staff will have indoor activities prepared. Each program has a specific indoor area for this time. 

9. Who will be my child’s camp staff?

We hire our summer staff with care and prayerful consideration. Camp Manitoqua holds personal interviews, runs national background checks, and requires multiple references for each staff member. All staff members go through a ten-day orientation before camp begins to equip them with the skills needed to care for children. This includes training in behavior management, schedules & planning, teamwork, leadership, CPR & First Aid, communication, and specific camp procedures.

Manitoqua seeks only the most qualified college-age students who are committed to working with children and youth. Most are studying areas such as education, social work, and youth ministry.

10. What should I know about the Camp Store?

Items range in price from $0.50 to $25 and include stuffed animals, t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, postcards & stamps, Frisbees, jewelry, carabiners, and much more. 

The Camp Store is open Monday (during Rez drop off), Wednesday (1pm-5pm)and Friday (12pm - 3pm). All items can also be purchased on the online camp store as well!

11. What should I know about the Pickle Shack? 

The Pickle Shack, also known as a canteen, is open daily. Snacks for sale include bottled water, soda pop, Gatorade, ice cream, chips, candy, pickles, and much more. Campers are limited to 2 sweet items and 1 soda pop per day.

12. What is free time? 

Campers have the option to visit the following areas: the pool/Aquatic Center, game room, pond, basketball courts, art hut, pickle shack or camp store (on days when open).  All areas are supervised with Manitoqua summer staff or lifeguards.  Campers will swim daily within their age groups during set swim times.

13. How old does my child have to be for the Adventure Zone?

Adventure Zone activities for summer programs are grade specific. Participation is based on the grade that the camper is entering in the fall.

  • Tree Climbing | 3rd +
  • Low Ropes Courses | 3rd +
  • Climbing Towers & Zip Lines | 5th +
  • High Ropes Course & Pamper Pole | 7th +

14. Do you offer before and after camp care for Day Camp?

Extended care is offered both before and after Day Camp. Located in the game room of the lower level Dining Hall, extended care affords campers additional opportunities to interact and play. Activities can include active games such as carpet ball or box hockey, or relaxing activities such as card games, puzzles, and drawing. Extended care hours are 7:15-8:00 am and 4:45-6:00 pm. There is a ten dollar ($10) charge per camper per use, which will be applied to the week’s balance if not paid ahead or upon use.

15. Why should I send my child to Camp Manitoqua?

Visit the following links to learn more about our summer programs and to read our summer camp mission statement

Summer Camp Mission Statement | Article 

16. What is Camp Manitoqua & Retreat Center?

Visit the following links to read about Camp Manitoqua's mission statement and history.

Purpose/Mission/Core Values/Statement of Faith | History

17. Where can I find the program letters on the website?

You can login to the parent page to view these letters using the password received with your registration confirmation. Program letters are only available to those who have registered for camp.

18. Do you have a lost and found?

Yes, we have a lost and found located in the lower level of the Dining Hall. Parents are welcome to look for lost items at drop off and pick up times. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity.

19. What is the Aquatic Center?

The Aquatic Center is our pool facility located in the middle of camp.  The Aquatic Center includes water slides, a splash pad, and a zero depth entry pool (up to 3 & 1/2 foot depth).  Campers have the option to swim daily within their age groups during set swim times which is a great place to cool down on hot summer days!

20. Does Camp Manitoqua provide lunch?

Camp Manitoqua asks parents to pack a lunch for their camper. The packed lunch will be stored in a refrigerator until lunch time.