The general purpose of Manitoqua Ministries shall be to help people find Christ and grow in their faith. People of all ages can come to Manitoqua Ministries for spiritual renewal, fellowship and fun, or simply a quiet reprieve from the hectic pace of everyday life.
Camp Manitoqua and Retreat Center, a Christ-Centered organization, serves guests by creating a setting and programs for retreating, camping, and outdoor education.
Core Values
Manitoqua Ministries holds the following core values:
1. Christ Centered - Know, Believe and Live out the Word of God
2. Compassion - Show kindness to all
3. Courageous - Do the right thing all the time
4. Continued Growth - Actively improve with the strength of the Holy Spirit
5. Communication - Listen Well, Speak Gently, Write Clearly
6. Cooperation - Work together towards a common goal
Statement of Faith
Manitoqua Ministries is an evangelical ministry that adheres to the following statement of faith (“Statement of Faith”):
Foundational Truths
We believe in one triune God, existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary; that He possesses two natures, divine in human flesh, though without sin. We believe that our redemption was accomplished when Jesus Christ voluntarily died a substitutionary sacrifice on the cross, for the sins of mankind, and that our justification is made sure by His literal physical resurrection from the dead. We believe that He ascended into heaven, and is in His present life our High Priest and Advocate, and from thence He shall visibly return to judge the living and the dead. We believe that no one can enter the Kingdom of God until he is “born again” of the Spirit of God and led to a personal faith in Christ as Savior. We believe in eternal judgment for all who reject Christ as Savior.
The Glory of God
God’s chief purpose in all that He wills, thinks, and does is the glory of His name. Moreover, every person, indeed all creation, exists for this same purpose: to glorify God. God is sovereign, such that there is nothing unseen, unknown, or undetermined by God in all of creation, time, or eternity.
The Authority of Scripture
The Holy Scripture of the Old and New Testaments is the ultimate authority, without error in all that it intends to teach, and altogether sufficient for Christian faith and practice. The Bible reveals universal truths, which are true for all people at all times and can be known with certainty and clarity. The authority of Scripture should not be made subject to or equal with other writings or human experience. As divine revelation, Scripture accurately describes who God is and how He wishes to be addressed, including the Trinitarian language of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of God
Humanity’s greatest need is to be reconciled with God. The gospel is compromised when the grace and love of Christ are expressed without the ultimate objective of calling sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The appropriate response to sin is one that believes in the power of God to change lives, hopes in the mercy of God to forgive sins, and loves enough to call sinners to confession and transformation. God is inclusive in that He calls all to come to Him in faith and repentance. God is exclusive in that only those who believe in Jesus Christ and seek to keep His commands can be assured of salvation. The gospel is the good news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection and should not be equated with or reduced to mere good deeds, humanitarian relief, or societal reform.
The Uniqueness of Christ
Jesus Christ is unique among the so-called gods of this world. Only in Jesus can we have salvation, fellowship, and a true understanding of God. Jesus Christ died on the cross as a substitutionary sacrifice for sins, and in so doing absorbed God’s wrath and eternal judgment upon our sin. We are counted righteous before God based on the imputed righteousness of Christ. Justification is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. No one will be saved apart from the atoning sacrifice of Christ. Salvation is received through personal hearing of and conscious believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The unrepentant and unbelieving will not be saved, either in this life or after physical death. Apart from Jesus, who is the eternal Son of God incarnate, we cannot see, know, or glorify God as He is.
The Gift of Sexuality
Marriage is a joyful covenanting between one biological man and one biological woman. All sexual intimacy is divinely designed for and should be expressed solely within the covenant of marriage. Any teaching or practice which blurs gender distinction, such as homosexuality, bisexuality, trans-sexuality, or sexual fluidity is contrary to Scripture. Same-sex “marriages,” even in committed and consensual relationships, are contrary to Scripture.
The Dignity of Human Life
All human life is to be treasured as a gift from God. Any practice which demeans human dignity, such as pornography, racism, abuse, exploitation, persecution, abortion, and euthanasia is immoral and unjust.